Bus And Coach Operator Turn Key Data Analytics – From Sales To Operations

Bus And Coach Operator Turn Key Data Analytics – From Sales To Operations

December 29, 2020 AWS cloud dashboards 0

Photo by Juan Encalada on Unsplash

The busing and coach industry has taken a  beating in 2020. Without the typical flood of people from cruises, events and tech employees needing to be shuttled to work, business has nearly come to a halt.

In turn, if you’re a coach operator, you will be asking the question.

How can you save money and increase your revenue when things get back to normal?

How can your bus and coach company really optimize in 2021?

It starts with you assessing your data and looking for opportunities.

Our team has been working with coach operators and busing companies for the last 2 years and we have helped develop multiple dashboards, tools and solutions to provide insights into where your teams could be improving your bottom line.

We have created operational and sales dashboards and tools that can directly lead to your team increasing sales and decreasing profits. We noticed that while working with bus operators that they often don’t have a way to access insights in their data.

In this article we will discuss some of the metrics, models and tools we have implemented and how they could help your sales and coach teams.

Dynamic Pricing Tool

Coach managers spend a lot of their time trying to find  the best pricing for every specific day. There are always busy seasons, weekends, busy seasonal weekends and just the one off special events.

Some coach operators know their seasonality like the back of their hands. But mis-pricing your buses can lead to money left on the table.

What if you could charge 10, 15, 20% more per trip. The same way Uber and Lyft increase their prices during busy hours or days.

Missing out on these opportunities could be costing your company and you have no idea. Our team not only can provide you with a tool to help more confidently price. We can also help you see what your current pricing strategy might be costing you.

Our tool both provides future prices as well as helps calculate the missed opportunities.

Below we have are showing the basic version of our pricing tool.

With 2021 looking much brighter, it will be a great time for you to improve your coach management system by using our pricing tool.

Coach Management And Bus Operator Dashboards

Our team has constructed multiple custom and turn-key analytical dashboards to help bus and coach operators gain insights into their business.

Below are a few examples of just some of those dashboards that we can take as a basis for your team.

So if you are a coach operator and you do find these dashboards helpful but want some custom features. Feel free to reach out to us and we would be happy to discuss how we can implement it for you.

Coach Management Quote To Contract Dashboard

Tracking the quotes your sales people make that get converted to contracts is an important metric to follow.

It helps you as an operator see where you can improve. For example, in the dashboard we have created we help you the operator track your conversion rate.

We look at it from an overall rate as well as break it down into the different trip types that might occur. Including single and multi-day trips. We also allow for custom types in case this necessary.

We also help you as the operator see which types of passenger sizes and months are converting the best.

This information can be used to inform as well as improve your coach management’s strategy because you can see where and what time of year you need to improve conversions.

coach management analytics dashboard

Coach Management Sales Dashboard

One of the problems with many of the current solutions for bus operators as far as analytics goes is they provide too much information.

This makes it very difficult to take any action because with so many metrics, its hard to know what to track 

In addition, many of these reporting tools don’t provide timely updates. So even if you adjust anything, how are you supposed to know if it helped you out?

Our dashboard focused on key metrics like total sales as well as average contract size.

This in turn allows you to see where your team might be able to increase costs of contracts. Combined this dashboard with the pricing tool and your team can track exactly how the pricing tool is helping your coach management service improve your pricing and in turn, increase your bottom line for the same work.

Bring All Your Data Together And Custom Analytics

Likely your team might be using multiple third-party tools. Like RDS or Distinctive for your Coach Management System, you might be using other third parties to help manage all the rest of your businesses processes that don’t necessarily talk to each other. 

We can also help fix that. We can take your multiple systems and integrate them together. This  both allows you to have better analytics as well as to better automate your entire process. 

When it comes to analytics, I have spent the last two years of working  in the Bus and Coach industry. This allows me to understand more than just some of the high level sales and operational problems. I are very familiar of the various pain points operators feel when it comes operations. 

This means I can really dig into your various systems and help you find even more information.

How Can You Improve Your Coaching Business Today?

2020 has been a difficult year, but that doesn’t mean you can’t improve 2021. 

If you’re a coach operator looking to optimize your pricing or get deeper insights into what is going in your business, then feel to reach out below.

If you are interested in reading more about data science or data engineering, then read the articles below.

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